June 1, 2010 Deadline
Posted on May 25th, 2010 9:39 pm
As the custodian of the Secretary’s Standards and of the Guidelines for
interpreting them, the National Park Service is beginning the process of
expanding the Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings in order to address questions raised by the current emphasis on sustainability.
Before we begin to draft any expanded Guidelines, it is critically important that we hear from those who rely on the Standards and Guidelines to preserve their local communities. We need to know what general concerns you have, and we need to know of specific issues you have encountered where historic preservation values and sustainability were or appeared to be at odds with each other.
In all of the current discussions concerning historic buildings and
sustainability, an important component is the relationship between the
Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and the various
recommended building treatments designed to attain more sustainable
communities and energy efficient buildings. While there is a growing body of information on how to undertake these alterations, there is not yet a set of official guidelines on how to make such changes in ways that appropriately maintain the character of historic properties.
Please take a few minutes to complete this online survey before June 1. The survey will no longer be available after that time:
We value the input of you, our local partners in the Federal Preservation Program.
To find out more, go to: www.surveymonkey.com