Advocacy is a very important part of historic preservation. Preservation Iowa is at the forefront of advocating for our irreplaceable historic resources. Our recent successes and ongoing advocacy work include:
- Creating a solid relationship with many other state organizations that are now realizing the economic potential of rehabilitating historic resources in our communities.
- Working with communities across the state to educate Iowans about the economic and cultural benefits of preserving and rehabilitating their historic buildings
- Actively participating in the Cultural Advocacy Day at the Capitol in Des Moines every year.
- Advising the Governor’s office and the Legislature on historic preservation issues.
- Coordinating legislative advocacy with the Iowa Department of Economic Development and the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs.
- Coordinating with Preservation Action and the National Trust for Historic Preservation on Federal policy and legislative advocacy efforts.
- Participating in the annual Historic Preservation Lobby Days in Washington, D.C. Our advocacy work at the Federal level includes: historic preservation tax credits, barn preservation, state historic preservation office funding, and upper story rehabilitation funding.
Too often, members of a community feel helpless when historic resources of local, state, and national significance are threatened. Preservation Iowa wants to give you the voice and support you need to save these historic places. In recent years, we have found that the best way to save endangered historic places is to make people with the power to preserve them understand what makes the resource significant. The Rath Administration building in Waterloo, the Williges Building in Sioux City, the Wetherby Cottage in Iowa City, and the Henshie-Briggs Row House in Des Moines all have a chance for new life because passionate preservationists voiced their concern against demolition. We believe it’s time for members of the state to join together to preserve historic buildings and sites. So be sure to review our Take Action! page for the latest preservation concern that needs your voice. Together, we can save Iowa’s past for future generations.
Preservation Iowa works to educate its membership and other concerned citizens about legislation in Congress and preservation issues across the country. As part of that effort, we write letters to Iowa’s representatives and senators in Washington D.C. to alert them to our concerns. We also support the efforts of the National Trust for Historic Preservation and many other national and international preservation groups.
Contact Iowa’s delegation in D.C.:
Preservation Iowa supports state efforts to protect Iowa’s historic places, including the State Historical Society of Iowa and its grant programs. In recent years, Preservation Iowa has also supported the adoption of a historic building code, improvements to the state historic preservation tax credit program, and increased funding for REAP (Resource Enhancement and Protection), especially as it relates to historic resources.
County and Local
Preservation Iowa strives to educate Iowa’s citizens and Iowa’s county and local governments about the benefits of historic preservation. We write letters of support and newspaper editorials when asked upon to support local preservation efforts. If you need a letter of support, please contact us at