Category: News

Harbach Lofts (Des Moines)

Steel framed entry canopy with red-orange brick warehouse in background

2019 Preservation at its Best: Multifamily Residential The L. Harbach and Sons factory complex, consisting of two functionally related 5-story brick buildings separated by a paved courtyard, is a rare surviving warehouse-factory complex from early 20th century Des Moines. Kent Mauck Encore Properties, the current owner of the 1906 complex, rehabilitated the two buildings as… Read more »

Monroe Place (Cedar Rapids)

Midcentury classroom entryway, "Welcome to Mrs. Johnson's Class

2019 Preservation at its Best: Adaptive Reuse Four Oaks and ASK Studio/AKAY Consulting transformed vacated Monroe Elementary School in Cedar Rapids into 19 multi-family apartments called Monroe Place. With its original footprint and many of architectural features still in place, the 1961 building’s historic use is immediately apparent even now that it serves as modern… Read more »

Siouxland Historical Railroad Association (Sioux City)

Purple flowers in foreground, train and garage in background

2019 Preservation at its Best: Community Effort The Milwaukee Railroad Shops Historic District in Sioux City is a 30-acre site that contains surviving structures, foundations, buildings, and a rail yard from the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad shops. The district is home to one of seven surviving roundhouse terminal landscapes in the nation…. Read more »

Woodbury County Courthouse Website (Sioux City)

Lit dome and main atrium at the Prairie Style Woodbury County Courthouse

2019 Preservation at its Best: Special Project The Woodbury Court House in Sioux City is one of the finest examples of Prairie Architecture in the United States. It is a National Landmark and listed on the National Register. To commemorate the building’s 100th anniversary, the Woodbury County Supervisors appointed a committee to plan a week-long… Read more »

Fort Des Moines Rehabilitation (Des Moines)

Wide view of Fort Des Moines buildings at twilight,

2019 Preservation at its Best: Sustainability in Preservation Fort Des Moines is a symbol of Iowa’s civil right leadership. As the home of the first African American officer training program, in 1917, and the nation’s first Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps, during World War II, the fort’s buildings are visible reminders of Iowa’s progressive past. Blackbird… Read more »

State of Iowa Capitol Dome Restoration (Des Moines)

Close-up view of restored State of Iowa Capitol Building dome

2019 Preservation at its Best: Public Structure The iconic gold dome of the Iowa State Capitol has been one of the state’s most recognizable landmarks for more than 130 years. Over the course of its history, significant deterioration threatened the dome’s integrity. With funding from the Iowa Legislature, OPN Architects guided a project that involved… Read more »

Garst Farmhouse (Coon Rapids)

white farmhouse with gable roof surrounded by green shrubs

2019 Preservation at its Best Award Winner: Rural Preservation The Historic Garst Farm House, owned by Whiterock Conservancy, is a visible reminder of the agricultural innovations Roswell Garst introduced, which changed the course of farming in Iowa and the world. In 1959, during the height of the Cold War, Garst hosted Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev… Read more »

2019 Preservationist of the Year: John R. Snapp

Man wearing a white baseball cap standing next to a wood shed

2019 Preservation at its Best Martha Hayes Award: John R. Snapp (Cherokee) John Snapp, secretary of the Cherokee Historic Preservation Commission, is actively involved in all aspects of his community’s history. As a photographer, he has created museum-quality displays to raise awareness of and appreciation for historic properties. As a writer, he has helped Cherokee… Read more »

Difficulty of Keeping Historic Buildings Open

Iowa Public Radio reports that the Ladora Bank Bistro, housed in a nearly 100-year-old building, is losing its chef and sole proprietor. His departure is showing some of the challenges to keeping old buildings open in small communities.

Preservation Iowa Announces 2019 Most Endangered Properties

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Leigh Ann Randak, Preservation Iowa Most Endangered Property Program Chair at or 319-337-9581 PRESERVATION IOWA ANNOUNCES 2019 MOST ENDANGERED PROPERTIES Preservation Iowa has designated 7 properties across Iowa for 2019 Most Endangered Designations. Here are the 2019 Most Endangered Properties: Preservation Iowa’s Most Endangered Property program was started in 1995… Read more »