Statewide preservation plan–comments needed by Sept. 24!

Posted on September 11th, 2012 9:31 am

The Iowa State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) is leading an effort to update the statewide historic preservation plan. The updated plan will provide the framework for the ongoing work of all of Iowa’s preservation partners, as we consider ways to identify and manage Iowa’s historic places.

The plan needs input from individuals across the state. The planning process began in January 2012; through a series of public input sessions, online surveys, and committee meetings, we have developed a set of draft goals and strategies. At this point, we are seeking feedback on these draft goals and strategies. Please read through the draft goals and strategies posted at and let us know your thoughts regarding them. Are we headed in the right direction? Are there gaps that should be addressed?

More information is posted at:

Please provide your comments by September 24, 2012 to:

Kathy Gourley
Historic Preservation Education & Outreach Manager
State Historical Society of Iowa
600 East Locust Street
Des Moines, Iowa 50319

Or email to

Thank you for your time!
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