Former Newspaper Building Rehabilitated into Banking Facility
Posted by CC on October 12th, 2008 5:07 pm
The former home of The Council Bluffs Nonpareil at 117 Pearl Street underwent a $2.6 million rehabilitation by Schemmer and Associates, and has reopened as the Council Bluffs Savings Bank. The project included complete gutting of the interior and extensive remodeling of the interior. A 1960s-era slipcover was removed from the building and the original brick walls were repaired. Windows throughout were replaced. A 1963 addition was torn down, but the majority of the work was designed to fit with the extensive history of the 1926 building, using paneled walls and caged tellers. The original building was designed by Anderson and Spooner Architects of Council Bluffs and served as the office and printing operation of The Nonpareil. Vacated in 2003, the building was acquired by the Pottawattamie County Development Corporation three years ago. Funding for the redevelopment was augmented by a grant from the Iowa West Foundation, New Market and historic tax credits, tax increment financing, and loans from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and Pottawattamie County Development Corporation.
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