Posted on June 4th, 2011 11:20 am
Iowa was hot news for national preservation month this year, mostly due to the hugely successful National Main Streets Conference in Des Moines. Several Iowa communities made it into a blog post at the National Trust’s website. LeMars preservation month traditions include a coffee talk and house tour. This year they also kicked off an intensive survey of their downtown commercial district! Burlington’s annual tour was also featured in the blog, along with their efforts to recently or actively rehab historic buildings in the community. Finally, the blog featured the National Trust Historic Site, Brucemore, and the community of Cedar Rapids. What a testament to the community’s continuing successful recovery following the 2008 natural disasters. Congratulations and thank you to all the communities celebrating national preservation month! Be sure to start brainstorming about how your community can celebrate next May and share your ideas here or on Preservation Iowa’s facebook page!
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