Posted on July 20th, 2013 1:46 pm
HABS-SAH Sally Kress Tompkins Fellowship
The Sally Kress Tompkins Fellowship, a joint program of the Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) and the National Park Service’s Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS), permits an architectural historian to work on a 12-week HABS project during the summer of 2014. The Fellow will prepare a written history to become part of the permanent HABS collection focusing on either a specific nationally-significant building/site, or a broader architectural history topic that will inform future HABS documentation. The Fellow will be selected by a jury of two SAH members and one HABS representative. The Fellow will be stationed in the field working in conjunction with a HABS measured drawings team, or in the HABS Washington, D.C., office.
The Award The HABS-SAH Sally Kress Tompkins award includes a $10,000 stipend and will be presented during the SAH Annual Conference in April. The award will be announced in the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and the SAH e-Newsletter after the presentation.
In addition to the final project/written history, recipients are required to upload a minimum of 50 images to SAH’s SAHARA image database.
You do not have to be a member of SAH to apply for this fellowship, but membership is strongly encouraged.
Applications for the HABS-SAH Sally Kress Tompkins Fellowship will open on August 1, 2013. Applications must be postmarked by December 31, 2013. To apply, visit: or contact Virginia Price (202-354-2180).
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