Carl Elefante, who coined the phrase “The greenest building is the one already built,” will be our keynote speaker and will talk about historic preservation as climate action. Carl will also lead a breakout session on Friday morning.
This year, due to the coronavirus outbreak, Iowa’s premier statewide annual conference for historic-preservation professionals and volunteers is shifting entirely online, with a mix of sessions, virtual tours and an online awards ceremony to celebrate outstanding preservation projects across Iowa.
The Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs and its State Historic Preservation Office are eager to offer new tools to preserve the past. We’re especially grateful to all of the sponsors and presenters who are stepping up to make this year’s event happen, including the City of Dubuque, where the summit was originally scheduled to take place, plus the Dubuque Historic Preservation Commission, Travel Dubuque, Preservation Iowa, Heritage Works and the National Park Service.
We also thank RDG Planning & Design and Gronen for their generous sponsorships.
Together, state and national experts will offer a range of online sessions about historic tax credits, advocacy, archaeology, local history and so much more. Carl Elefante, who coined the phrase “The greenest building is the one already built,” will be our keynote speaker and will talk about historic preservation as climate action. Carl will also lead a breakout session on Friday morning.
Rachel Will and Edward Gerns of Wiss,Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.’s Chicago office will present two sessions on historic tax credits. We have also secured AIA CESs for several sessions.
So please join us – and help us spread the word!
The preliminary Schedule at A Glance is at www.preserveiowasummit.org. A full program with session descriptions and presenters’ biographies will be posted.
A flat registration of $20 will give you virtual access to all of the sessions on Thursday, Friday and Saturday as well as the keynote speaker and awards ceremony on Thursday afternoon. Registration is available through Eventbrite.