Main Street Iowa Receives Preservation Honor Award

Posted by CC on November 2nd, 2010 4:37 pm

On Friday, October 29, 2010, the National Trust for Historic Preservation presented a Preservation Honor Award to Main Street Iowa during an awards ceremony at the national preservation conference in Austin, Texas. Preservation Iowa joins the National Trust in celebrating Main Street Iowa’s successful community revitalization efforts across the state and congratulates MSI as the first Main Street coordinating organization to receive this award!

From the Press Release:
Washington, D.C. (October 19, 2010)—The National Trust for Historic Preservation will present its Preservation Honor Award to Main Street Iowa in Des Moines, Iowa. The organization is one of 23 award winners to be honored by the National Trust during its 2010 National Preservation Conference next week in Austin, Texas.

All across America, traditional Main Streets are being revitalized but nowhere more successfully than in the Hawkeye State. Since 1986, the Iowa Department of Economic Development’s Main Street Iowa program has partnered with 64 cities and towns, rehabbing 8,000 historic buildings, creating 10,000 jobs and investing $971 million.

From the U.S. Congress to the state capitol to the bank manager’s office, Main Street Iowa has forged strong bonds with decision makers at all levels. These relationships, coupled with the formidable advocacy of Iowa’s Main Street communities, have resulted in the establishment of programs that – among other things – are keeping small businesses thriving and encouraging sustainability projects that make Main Street greener.

Main Street Iowa’s communities have benefitted from both state and federal appropriations to the program. Most recently, the program received a huge vote of confidence from the Iowa Legislature with a special $14 million appropriation in 2010/2011 – the largest appropriation in the program’s 24-year history. As a result, more than $84 million has been invested in Main Street Iowa communities through a combination of state funding, federal HUD Funds and local public/private investment.

“Main Street Iowa has put its stamp all over the state, showing citizens how to revitalize their downtowns and re-energize their communities,” said Stephanie Meeks, president of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. “A preservation powerhouse and a model for other organizations, Main Street Iowa is making a real difference in the economic health and livability of America’s heartland.”

The 2010 National Preservation Awards are sponsored by American Express. Timothy J. McClimon, president of the American Express Foundation, said, “Congratulations to all 23 award recipients for their extraordinary work in protecting America’s heritage. As American Express expands its commitment to historic preservation, we’re honored to recognize the dedicated individuals who are saving places that matter across the nation.”

The award will be presented to Thom Guzman and Jane Seaton, senior staff for Main Street Iowa, at the National Preservation Awards ceremony in Austin, Texas, on Friday, October 29, at 6PM CST.

The National Preservation Awards are bestowed on distinguished individuals, nonprofit organizations, public agencies and corporations whose skill and determination have given new meaning to their communities through preservation of our architectural and cultural heritage. These efforts include citizen attempts to save and maintain important landmarks; companies and craftsmen whose work restores the richness of the past; the vision of public officials who support preservation projects and legislation in their communities; and educators and journalists who help Americans understand the value of preservation. The winners of the National Preservation Awards will appear in the January/February issue of Preservation Magazine and online at
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