Hampton’s historic Windsor Theater hosts awards ceremony
Posted on October 2nd, 2011 1:51 pm
Preservation Iowa announced their annual Preservation at Its Best Awards at Hampton’s historic Windsor Theater during “An Evening Like It Used To Be”. The event, co-sponsored with the Windsor Theatre Development Corporation, the Franklin County Arts Council, Franklin County Tourism, the Hampton Chamber of Commerce, highlighted movie nostalgia and Iowa’s historic theater heritage in an effort to promote “Hollywood in the Heartland”, a statewide theater survey conducted by Preservation Iowa and the State Historic Preservation Office.
Preservation Iowa awarded ten awards in eight categories. “Each year, in partnership with the Iowa Gaming Association, Preservation Iowa seeks to honor historic preservation successes. In doing so, we hope to inspire others to take action to preserve, protect, and promote Iowa’s historic resources” commented Preservation Iowa’s Executive Director, Vince Lintz.
Awards presented included:
Adaptive Use:
Project: Cathedral Square Lofts
Recipients: Epic Construction/B&C Cathedral Development
Commercial: (2)
Project: Hedge Building
Recipient: Becky Anderson
Project: IOOF Oddfellows Building
Recipient: Arch Icon Development
Community Effort:
Project: Machine & Blacksmith Shop
Recipients: Siouxland Historical Railroad Association; City of Sioux City
Public Structure:
Project: Dubuque Shot Tower Restoration
ecipient: City of Dubuque
Project: White Street Condominiums Project
Recipient: Horsfall Construction & Design
Rural Preservation:
Project: Kent Union Chapel
Recipient: Brooklyn Community Foundation
Sustainability in Preservation: (2)
Project: The Roshek Building
Recipients: Dubuque Initiatives, Inc./Gronen Restoration
Project: Historic City Hall Restoration
Recipient: Historic Valley Junction Foundation; City of West Des Moines
Special Project:
Project: The Dubuque Shot Tower (book)
Recipient: John Adelmann, editor
To find out more, go to: ../programs/awards.php